Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Glitter Fizz....New Year's Drink!

Ring in the new year with a little bit of class and a lot of fun. This fizzy drink will keep you dancing through to whatever 2017 might bring. It’s sweet, fruity with just the right amount of bite. The pear compliments the cassis perfectly by adding an earthy note to the almost cloying sweetness of the cassis. It’s great for house parties or at a bar. Just be sure to have a little bit left when the ball drops.

·         0.5 ounces of Crème de cassis
·         0.5 ounces of pear liqueur
·         2 ounces of champagn
·         Jigger
·         Champagne glass
1.       Pour champagne into the glass. Add in the cassis and pear liqueur.

2.       Enjoy!

Reprinted with permission